EVENT | Keystone Group Launches Free Webinar Series

Keystone Group announces the launch of Keystone Live this autumn with a series of free webinar debates featuring expert industry speakers. Introducing four separate webinars, the series covers a range of topics and issues including the delivery of net zero housing, offsite construction, designing with non-combustible materials and how the industry is tackling climate change.
The first online debate, ‘How are we going to deliver Net Zero Housing?’, takes place on Thursday 29th September. With the UK facing the ambitious target of being net zero by 2050, the latest changes to Building Regulations are an all-important stepping stone to the Future Homes Standard. But with more stringent standards in the pipeline, is this achievable?
Moderated by experienced journalist Ruth Slavid, this first webinar also poses the following questions:
• How do we address the performance gap?
• How do we build as designed?
• What are the key areas we should be looking at to help improve the fabric of buildings?
• Is the target of 75-80% less carbon emissions from new homes when compared to current regulations achievable?
• How can manufacturers support the drive for net zero?
• What role does product innovation play?
Featuring debate, discussion and Q & A, the webinar has a stellar line-up of industry panellists including Martin Townsend, Director for BSI Centre of Excellence for Sustainability, Ben Cheetham, Senior Group Technical & Innovation Coordinator at Barratt Developments, Robin Dryer, Director and Architect at CDC Studio and representatives from Keystone Lintels and Keylite.
The second in the webinar series on Thursday October 12th, ‘Does Offsite Construction Offer a Credible Solution to Addressing the Need for More Housing, Improved Quality and Better Value?’ focuses on the benefits of offsite construction and why the industry needs to increase its adoption. Panellists include Mark Farmer, CEO of Cast, Stephen Wightman, UK MMC Lead at Faithful+Gould and Kevin Dundas, MMC & Offsite Manager at Wilmott Dixon.
Thursday 3rd November sees the webinar series ask the question: ‘Is the Construction Industry Doing Enough to Tackle Climate Change?’. Will Arnold, Head of Climate Action at Institution of Structural Engineers, Dr Oliver Jones, Research Director at Ryder Architecture and Nitesh Magdani, Director of Net Positive Solutions will offer their insight and perspectives and what we need to do as an industry to slow climate change.
The final webinar on Thursday 16th November, ‘Designing with Non-Combustible Materials‘ will explore the challenges and key considerations when designing tall buildings and how products have evolved to meet new regulations. Ready to share their experience are expert speakers including Richard Smith, Head of Standards, Innovation & Research at NHBC and Nigel Shields, Director of Quality at Durkan.
Keystone Group Marketing Director, Hayley Lowry commented: “The Keystone Live series of webinars explores key themes from various industry standpoints. Debated by commentators, consultants, specifiers, contractors and product specialists — these free events are set to provide a complete 360˚ analysis of the issues at hand and are not to be missed.”
To book your free place on visit keystonelive.co.uk.
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